Fans Supporting Foodbanks is a unique partnership founded in Liverpool between Spirit Of Shankly & The Blue Union supporters clubs. They came together to tackle food insecurity, challenge austerity & promote the right to food on both a local and national scale by sharing their vision with football fans worldwide.
What started off as an idea to take a wheelie bin around the football stadiums and ask generous supporters to donate tinned goods, has now took off on a ginormous scale. Both clubs have allowed permanent fixtures for collection outside the stadiums, which have volunteers collecting food every single home game.
Thanks to the people who started this motion, Dave Kelly and Ian Byrne, and all the volunteers who are involved week in week out, people who would be going hungry each night are given the right to food, a right that this government needs to get behind! it doesn't bare thinking about, the thousands of men, women and children who would be going without a meal each day if it wasn't for Fans Supporting Foodbanks, and the people who donate.
Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse. We have a government who only care about themselves and the rich getting richer, whilst the working class struggle to make ends meet. There are people working 40 hours a week who are still struggling to feed their kids. The every day working class person, are not earning enough money to heat their homes and eat as well. A choice between the two. In Britain, in 2022. It is vulgar, and its managed.
For the past few years, myself and my fiancee have raised money for the foodbank through raffles, donations and the sale of a t-shirt in which all profits raised were put towards this cause. This enables us to provide around 50-60 turkeys and trimmings the week before Christmas, for those people turning up at the pantry expecting tinned goods for Christmas dinner. To be able to volunteer at the pantry and see how much the gesture means is really humbling. Hats off to those who are involved all year round, what they do is amazing.
This year, 5% of all profits are going to be going towards our Christmas collection, and will continue to do so for as long as we can. On top of 50% of the profits from the "What would Jan Molby do?" t-shirts, where we collaborated with comedian Troy Hawke.
If you are a regular match goer, or live near either stadium, please try and make it part of your match day routine to take a tin or two to the foodbank pantry located outside Anfield and Goodison. If you would like to donate, you can via the link below. Thanks